Default sounds
Without using a sound.cfg file, openBVE looks for a series of optional sound files within the train folder.
[hide]- 1 Sounds Played Only In-Cab
- 2 Sounds played on all cars where applicable
- 2.1 air.wav
- 2.2 airhigh.wav
- 2.3 airzero.wav
- 2.4 cpstart.wav
- 2.5 cploop.wav
- 2.6 cpend.wav
- 2.7 doorcls.wav
- 2.8 doorclsl.wav
- 2.9 doorclsr.wav
- 2.10 dooropn.wav
- 2.11 dooropnl.wav
- 2.12 dooropnr.wav
- 2.13 emrbrake.wav
- 2.14 flangei.wav
- 2.15 loop.wav
- 2.16 point.wav
- 2.17 rub.wav
- 2.18 runi.wav
- 2.19 springl.wav
- 2.20 springr.wav
- 2.21 motori.wav
Sounds Played Only In-Cab
Played once when the train stops at a station, but needs to correct its stop position.
Played in a loop when the built-in security system ATS rings its bell. This happens when passing certain transponders or when the security system is deactivated but power is applied.
Played in a loop when the built-in security system ATS rings its chime. This happens after acknowledging the bell when passing S-type transponders.
For trains with automatic air brake, is played when the handle is moved into the SRV or EMG position. For other trains, is played when the brake notch is decreased.
Played once when the built-in security systems ATS-P or ATC change some states, e.g. when ATS-P activates the PTN APPROACH lamp, or when ATC changes the current speed restriction.
Played in a loop when the built-in EB system rings.
Played once or in a loop (depending on the train.dat setting) when the pass alarm system warns about an approaching station stop.
Played once when the primary horn is applied.
Played once when the primary horn is applied. Has precedence over klaxon.wav.
Played once when the secondary horn is applied.
Played in a loop when the music horn is applied.
Played once when the built-in security system is switched from ATC to ATS.
Played once when the built-in security system is switched from ATS to ATC.
Sounds played on all cars where applicable
Played occasionally when the pressure in the brake cylinder is decreased from a non-high value to a non-zero value.
Played occasionally when the pressure in the brake cylinder is decreased from a high value.
Played occasionally when the pressure in the brake cylinder is decreased to zero value.
Played once when the air compressor is activated.
Played in a loop for the duration the air compressor is active.
Played once when the air compressor is deactivated.
Played once when the doors close.
Played once when the left doors close. Has precedence over doorscls.wav.
Played once when the right doors close. Has precedence over doorscls.wav.
Played once when the doors open.
Played once when the left doors open. Has precedence over doorscls.wav.
Played once when the right doors open. Has precedence over doorscls.wav.
Played once when the emergency brakes are activated.
Defines a set of sounds played in a loop when the flange of the wheels rub against the rails. The sounds are played at a pitch proportional to the speed. The recordings should correspond to a speed of 45 km/h. The non-negative integer i corresponds to the Train.Flange command in CSV routes where route developers can select which of the flangei.wav sounds to play for a certain type of rail.
Played in a loop all the time for the duration of the simulation.
Played once per axle when the train crosses a pointwork.
Played in a loop when the brake shoe rubs against the wheels. The sound is played at a pitch inversely proportional to the speed, and the volume of the sound decreases with increasing speeds.
Defines a set of sounds played in a loop for the duration the train moves. The sounds are played at a pitch proportional to the speed. The recordings should correspond to a speed of 90 km/h. The non-negative integer i corresponds to the Train.Run command in CSV routes where route developers can select which of the runi.wav sounds to play for a certain type of rail.
Played once when the train sways to the left side.
Played once when the train sways to the right side.
Defines a set of sounds played in a loop as instructed by the train.dat. The pitch, volume and index i are defined in the #MOTOR_Xn sections in the train.dat, and the sounds should be developed in conjunction with the train.dat. ---